The Waimate Kindergarten Association is the umbrella organisation for the three kindergartens in the Waimate area; John Street Kindergarten, Esk Valley Kindergarten and our Mobile Kindergarten.
Waimate Kindergarten Association is a not for profit organisation governed by a Board who collectively work together with the two kindergartens and their communities to deliver an educational service that they are proud of. The Board oversees the strategic direction and purpose of the association with teaching and learning as the core business, with the ultimate outcome for children.
The Waimate Kindergarten Association has a constitution which defines how it operates and is the employing body of all the staff. The Board is made up of between five (5) and ten (10) elected members, (from Kindergarten Parent Committees or just interested people), the staff representative/s and the General Manager (ex-officio). The Board meets every six weeks and minutes from these meetings are displayed at each kindergarten.
The Association employs a General Manager who is delegated responsibility for the day to day management of the Association. A Senior Teacher is contracted from another Association and the Senior Teachers role is to support the resourcing and professional learning of the teaching staff.
Each kindergarten has a head teacher and Teachers or Teacher Aide (this can vary from 3-4 depending on group size and the license the kindergarten operates under) whose responsibility is to ensure that they deliver teaching and learning that reflect the principles and strands of the curriculum document – Te Whāriki. Each kindergarten has a parent committee whose role are a vital part of the support network for the teaching teams.
The committees make kindergartens possible by:
TERM DATES 2018 – please contact the Kindergartens or email: for copy
Monday to Friday – 8.45 – 2.45
Tuesday – Hakataramea 9am – 12pm
Wednesday – Waituna 9am – 1pm
Thursday – Glenavy 9am – 1pm
Friday – Waihao Downs 9am – 1pm
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday – 8.45am – 2.45pm